Latest Episodes
Chapter 26: Plans and Machinations
Viekko stumbles back to the shuttle. Althea attends to him and he makes preperations for the grand assault against Cytherea. Meanwhile Isra wakes up...
Chapter 25: I Am Cytherea
Isra returns to the Sala to confront the Rainha. But the depth of the Cytherean ruler's brutality becomes painfully clear.
Chapter 24: The City Beyond The Wall
Viekko wakes up in a strange place and learns something about the feared *Corsario* that exist at the edge of Cytherea.
Chapter 23: Enemy At The Gates
As the team reels from Viekko's disappearance, Cytherea's soldiers mobilize. Althea and Captain Colton find themselves under seige at the shuttle.
Chapter 22: When We Capture Cronus...
Cronus and Joana make a breakthrough in the ancient colony ship when Isra leaves a cryptic message. Isra, approaches the ship with the Emmisarry...
Chapter 21: Liberdade
Isra arives back at the *Sala Gran* after her confrontation with Althea. The *occulto* pass her a secret message before she is taken to...